Jaguar Pride » Parents » SY 2023-2024

SY 2023-2024


King College Preparatory High School

4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653

P.  (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172 

Dr. Brian Kelly, Principal

Dr. Greta Mitchell, Assistant Principal

Dear Parents,

Please join us for the Annual Title I Informational Meeting. This meeting will be hosted on:

Date: September 12, 2023

Time: 6:30 PM

Location: King College Preparatory High School, Social Room 104 


Please find the agenda for our meeting below: 



  1. Welcome
  2. State of the school
  3. Share Title I allocations & plans
    1. CPS District Title I Parental Engagement Policy
    2. King College Prep’s CIWP
    3. King College Prep’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy
    4. King College Prep’s Title I Parent Compact
    5. King College Prep’s Title I Budget Itemized  (total school Budget for all TI programming)
    6. King College Prep’s Title I Parent Funds Budget  (1% of total TI budget)
    7. King College Prep’s Title I Parent Involvement Budget Plan (how to spend the 1%)

  1. Announce Title I PAC Organizational Meeting date
  2. Parent Q & A
  3. Distribute & Collect the Principal’s Annual Title I Informational Meeting Evaluation Form

King College Preparatory High School

4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653

P.  (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172 

Dr. Brian Kelly, Principal

Dr. Greta Mitchell, Assistant Principal

Dear Parents of King College Prep, 

Please join us for the Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Organizational Meeting.

Date: September 14, 2023

Time: 6:50 PM, immediately after the Local School Council Meeting

Location: King College Prep High School, Social Room 104

At the Organizational Meeting of the King College Prep Title I PAC, parents will elect Title I PAC Officers and set monthly meeting dates and times for the school year. The officers of the PAC are as follows: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Outreach Coordinator. 

Please remember that in order to run for a position and vote, you must be present at the meeting. King College Prep receives Title I Parent Involvement Funds for parental involvement.


  • Welcome/Call to order
  • Introductions
  • Establish a meeting quorum (5) parents
    • Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
    • Appoint Election Officer (Any person with knowledge of PAC election procedures)
  • Election of Officers
    • Chairperson
    • Vice chairperson
    • Secretary
    • Outreach Coordinator
  • Vote on PAC meeting dates and times (SY2023-2024)
  • Review PAC Budget & Plan for Spending
  • Public Comments (2 minutes per person)
  • Adjournment
King College Preparatory High School
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Kelly, Ed.D
Dr. Mitchell
Assistant Principal
November 1, 2023
Dear Jaguar Families,
Please join us for the next Parent Advisory Meeting. This hybrid meeting will be
hosted in person and online.
Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Location: King College Preparatory High School, Social Room 104
Join us via Google
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#
  1. Welcome
  2. State of the PAC
  3. Share Title I allocations & plans
  4. Officer Elections and Installation
  5. Parent Q & A
One Team, One Dream... Jaguars
King College Preparatory High School
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Kelly, Ed.D
Dr. Mitchell
Assistant Principal
December 14, 2023
Dear Jaguar Families,
Please join us for the next Parent Advisory Meeting. This hybrid meeting will be
hosted in person and online. Light refreshments will be served in person.
Date: December 14, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Location: King College Preparatory High School, Social Room 104
Join us via Google
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#


1. Welcome
2. State of the PAC
3. Officer Elections and Installation
4. Share Title I allocations & plans
5. Parent Q & A

One Team, One Dream… Jaguars
Kelly, Ed.D
Dr. Mitchell
Assistant Principal

King College Preparatory High School

4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653

P.  (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172 

Kelly, Ed.D Dr. Mitchell

Principal Assistant Principal

Parent Advisory Council

Keisha Saintil, Chair

Jovan Johnson, Vice Chair

Janie Twitty, Secretary

Alice Webb, Outreach Coordinator

KCP Parent Advisory Council Agenda

March 14, 2024

  • Welcome and Community Building
  • Officer Introductions
  • Approve February Meeting Minutes
  • State of the PAC and Plans
    • Budget update
    • Recap of financial literacy workshop
    • Plans 
  • PAC Meeting Dates and Reminders - hybrid meetings each 2nd Thursday of the month
  • Parent Q & A

Monthly KCP Parent Advisory Council Meeting**Hybrid

Thursday, March 14 · 5:00 – 5:45pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 715-802-1432‬ PIN: ‪567 117 035‬#

King College Preparatory High School
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Kelly, Ed.D                                                                                                                                                     Dr. Mitchell
Principal                                                                                                                                             Assistant Principal
Parent Advisory Council
Keisha Saintil, Chair
Jovan Johnson, Vice Chair
Janie Twitty, Secretary
Alice Webb, Outreach Coordinator
KCP Parent Advisory Council Agenda
April 11, 2024
● Welcome and Community Building
● Officer Introductions
● Approve March Meeting Minutes
● State of the PAC and Plans
     ○ Budget
     ○ Plans for May and June
● Parent Q & A
● Announcements
Monthly KCP Parent Advisory Council Meeting**Hybrid
Thursday, March 14 · 5:00 – 5:45pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#

 King College Preparatory High School

4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653

(773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172


Kelly, Ed.D                                                                                                                                                     Dr. Mitchell
Principal                                                                                                                                             Assistant Principal

Parent Advisory Council

Keisha Saintil, Chair
Jovan Johnson, Vice Chair
Janie Twitty, Secretary
Alice Webb, Outreach Coordinator

KCP Parent Advisory Council Agenda

May 9, 2024


  • Welcome and Community Building
  • Officer Introductions
  • Approve April Meeting Minutes
  • Mental Health Panel
  • Parent Q & A
  • Announcements

Monthly KCP Parent Advisory Council Meeting**Hybrid

Thursday, May 9 · 5:00 – 5:45pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 715-802-1432‬ PIN: ‪567 117 035‬#