SY 2023-2024
09.12.2023 PAC meeting
Dear Parents,
Please join us for the Annual Title I Informational Meeting. This meeting will be hosted on:
Date: September 12, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: King College Preparatory High School, Social Room 104
Please find the agenda for our meeting below:
- Welcome
- State of the school
- Share Title I allocations & plans
- CPS District Title I Parental Engagement Policy
- King College Prep’s CIWP
- King College Prep’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy
- King College Prep’s Title I Parent Compact
- King College Prep’s Title I Budget Itemized (total school Budget for all TI programming)
- King College Prep’s Title I Parent Funds Budget (1% of total TI budget)
- King College Prep’s Title I Parent Involvement Budget Plan (how to spend the 1%)
- Announce Title I PAC Organizational Meeting date
- Parent Q & A
- Distribute & Collect the Principal’s Annual Title I Informational Meeting Evaluation Form
09.14.2023 PAC meeting
Dear Parents of King College Prep,
Please join us for the Title I Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Organizational Meeting.
Date: September 14, 2023
Time: 6:50 PM, immediately after the Local School Council Meeting
Location: King College Prep High School, Social Room 104
At the Organizational Meeting of the King College Prep Title I PAC, parents will elect Title I PAC Officers and set monthly meeting dates and times for the school year. The officers of the PAC are as follows: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Outreach Coordinator.
Please remember that in order to run for a position and vote, you must be present at the meeting. King College Prep receives Title I Parent Involvement Funds for parental involvement.
- Welcome/Call to order
- Introductions
- Establish a meeting quorum (5) parents
- Roles and Responsibilities of Officers
- Appoint Election Officer (Any person with knowledge of PAC election procedures)
- Election of Officers
- Chairperson
- Vice chairperson
- Secretary
- Outreach Coordinator
- Vote on PAC meeting dates and times (SY2023-2024)
- Review PAC Budget & Plan for Spending
- Public Comments (2 minutes per person)
- Adjournment
11.01.2023 PAC meeting
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Please join us for the next Parent Advisory Meeting. This hybrid meeting will be
hosted in person and online.
Time: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Join us via Google
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#
- Welcome
- State of the PAC
- Share Title I allocations & plans
- Officer Elections and Installation
- Parent Q & A
12.14.2023 PAC meeting
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Please join us for the next Parent Advisory Meeting. This hybrid meeting will be
hosted in person and online. Light refreshments will be served in person.
Time: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Location: King College Preparatory High School, Social Room 104
Join us via Google
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#
1. Welcome
2. State of the PAC
3. Officer Elections and Installation
4. Share Title I allocations & plans
5. Parent Q & A
One Team, One Dream… Jaguars
03.14.2024 PAC Meeting
Parent Advisory Council
KCP Parent Advisory Council Agenda
March 14, 2024
- Welcome and Community Building
- Officer Introductions
- Approve February Meeting Minutes
- State of the PAC and Plans
- Budget update
- Recap of financial literacy workshop
- Plans
- PAC Meeting Dates and Reminders - hybrid meetings each 2nd Thursday of the month
- Parent Q & A
Monthly KCP Parent Advisory Council Meeting**Hybrid
Thursday, March 14 · 5:00 – 5:45pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#
04.11.2024 PAC Meeting
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
P. (773) 535-1180 • F. (773) 535-6172
Principal Assistant Principal
Jovan Johnson, Vice Chair
Alice Webb, Outreach Coordinator
● Officer Introductions
● Approve March Meeting Minutes
● State of the PAC and Plans
○ Budget
○ Plans for May and June
● Parent Q & A
● Announcements
Google Meet joining info
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#
05.09.2024 PAC Meeting
King College Preparatory High School
4445 South Drexel Boulevard • Chicago, Illinois 60653
Kelly, Ed.D Dr. Mitchell
Principal Assistant Principal
Parent Advisory Council
Jovan Johnson, Vice Chair
Alice Webb, Outreach Coordinator
KCP Parent Advisory Council Agenda
May 9, 2024
- Welcome and Community Building
- Officer Introductions
- Approve April Meeting Minutes
- Mental Health Panel
- Parent Q & A
- Announcements
Monthly KCP Parent Advisory Council Meeting**Hybrid
Thursday, May 9 · 5:00 – 5:45pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 715-802-1432 PIN: 567 117 035#